Rise Of The Black Belt Word Nerd 
I have loved words from the moment I started using them. After winning my first Spellathon when I was 7, I knew I wanted to be around them for the rest of my life. My first published poem appeared in the local newspaper when I was 9. Later on in high school I won two national poetry competitions. At university my friend and I created a weekly newsletter aptly titled “The Village Idiot” which was critically acclaimed as "one of the student newsletters of all time".
From there I went into the big, bad world of advertising – and loved it. I found a place where my "unique" sense of humour could thrive and my love of storytelling could be put to the test, be it in the confines of a single page, 30 seconds, 200 x 300 pixels or a fleeting moment in a mall. Over the years I've made some cool work, won some awards and met some interesting people. 
And hopefully, I’ll meet you.  

Things I Like
Musical fade-ins
Stand-up comedy
Nature shows
Going for walks
Table Tennis
Horror movies
Writing poetry
Rock pools
Making “Things I like…” lists

Things I Do Not Like
Musical fade-outs
Queue skippers
Wasting time
Cold pizza (gross)
Bad spelling
Tight pants
Being damp
Wall-facing toilet paper
Weird laughs
Small spaces
The word "phoenix"
Most brown things
Winking smiley faces
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